Weekly roundup.

Hello all. Given that I have lofty intentions of maintaining a relevant blog and sharing my crafting adventures with the internet (for whatever misguided reason), I’ve decided to at least try to post once a week. I’ll try to give a re-cap of my projects from the week, and just start with that.

This week, I’ve been on quite a roll making shorts for every member of my family except for Andrew. Poor husbands, in homes everywhere, getting left off the sewing to-do list, just because they’re too big, and men’s clothing is too boring, or whatever your reason is. Those are my reasons, and they’re so sad. I once offered to knit him a vest, (which he rudely declined!) because his arms are too long and “I am not about to knit TWO sleeves that long.”


Anyway, I started by making myself some shorts out of this rad Alexander Henry fabric that was given to me, so alas, I don’t know what collection it came from. I included pockets, because, duh, shorts without pockets are useless/only for pajamas. They are elastic waist, because that’s how I roll. I wore them for three days in a row and did not wash them. If you think that’s gross, I’m sorry. I guess it wasn’t three full days, more like one night, a day, and then morning. Moving on.

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Next, I made some cute bloomers for Lucy out of the sleeves from a shirt I bought from the thrift store to make headbands out of. Waste not, you know. I didn’t even have to shirr them myself, because that was how the shirt was! Which is good, because… I don’t know how to shirr. A project for another day.


After I showed the new bloomers to Lucy, Micah sidled up and said, “When are you going to make me some new shorts?” and my little heart just burst with happiness, as I said I would love to make him some new shorts. He picked out the fabric and I got to work. His took a couple of days, because, man, if boys clothes aren’t fussier to make than girls clothes. I included pockets on his, too, and I should’ve lined them, since the fabric was a little thin, but as long as he wears solid color underwear, it doesn’t matter. Also, he smartly styled them with rain boots for his (hash tag) ootd. Winky face.


Lastly, I’m in the process of finishing up some new napkins. Some for my lovable little brother, who is living the bachelor life, and of course doesn’t have any cloth napkins to pretty up his place. And some for me, out of my favorite fabric ever, that I also made a curtain and a hair scarf out of. I guess I went a little crazy.

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When I write it all out like this, I feel really accomplished, instead of a mess like my sewing area suggests. A messy life is a life well-lived. Or however the saying goes.

I hope you all have had a wonderful week. I feel like I’ve had a whirlwind of a week now that I’m done writing this. What have you been up to?

One thought on “Weekly roundup.

  1. You are amazing! I love your shorts the most; they are a real statement piece. How come boys shorts are more fussy than girls? Because they have to have a looser fit? Anyway, I love you.


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